Question Detail Antonym of STARTLED AstonishedAmusedFriendlyRelaxed Answer: Option DExplanation:STARTLED meaning in hindi - चौंका हुआ Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Hypothesis suppressedfactconclusiveassumptionconjecture Answer: Option BExplanation:Hypothesis meaning in hindi is परिकल्पना 2. Antonym of Endow establishsnatchsubscribedispossess Answer: Option DExplanation:Endow meaning in hindi is प्रदान करना 3. Antonym of Ephemeral permanentshort-livedethicaltemporary Answer: Option AExplanation:Ephemeral meaning in hindi is अल्पकालिक 4. Antonym of Desultory lacking orderdisconnectedaimlesschancepertinent Answer: Option EExplanation:Desultory meaning in hindi is अनियमित 5. Antonym of BENEVOLENT BenignCaringHumaneSelfish Answer: Option DExplanation:BENEVOLENT meaning in Hindi : परोपकारी Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers