Question Detail Antonym of Sophisticated domesticartificialcivilmaturerustic Answer: Option EExplanation:Sophisticated meaning in hindi is जटिल Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Curtail LengthenShortenEntailClose Answer: Option AExplanation:Curtail mean to limit something or make it last for a shorten time while lengthen mean to make something longer. 2. Antonym of ABUNDANCE WretchednessPovertyFamineScarcity Answer: Option D 3. Antonym of FORTUITOUS Soft spokenUnluckyLuckyHarworking Answer: Option BExplanation:FORTUITOUS meaning in Hindi : भाग्यशाली 4. Antonym of Gaucherie misconductmistakeculminatetact dwindle Answer: Option DExplanation:Gaucherie meaning in hindi is अशिष्टता 5. Antonym of MITIGATE AbateIntensifyCalmCompose Answer: Option BExplanation:MITIGATE meaning in Hindi : कम करना Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers