Question Detail Antonym of Pretentious flauntingspecioustransparenthumble Answer: Option DExplanation:Pretentious meaning in hindi is कपटी Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Husbandry hard labourland managementwastefulnesstillage Answer: Option CExplanation:Husbandry meaning in hindi is कृषि 2. Antonym of Dull colourfulboringfoolishthickshining Answer: Option EExplanation:Dull meaning in hindi is कुंठित 3. Antonym of Objective equitablepersonalopen-mindedintimate Answer: Option BExplanation:Objective meaning in hindi is लक्ष्य 4. Antonym of Onrush obstructionattackblockedswiftness Answer: Option AExplanation:Onrush meaning in hindi is आक्रमण 5. Antonym of PERCISE IndecentVagueIncorrectIndistinct Answer: Option BExplanation:Precise mean clear and accurate. Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers