Question Detail Antonym of PIQUE IrkJoyHuffHurt Answer: Option BExplanation:PIQUE meaning in Hindi : ख़ीज Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of HARASS RewardPraiseFlatterRelieve Answer: Option DExplanation:Harass mean to worry somebody while Relieve mean reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain. 2. Antonym of Facsimile originalmirrorengineeredduplicatereproduction Answer: Option AExplanation:Facsimile meaning in hindi is प्रतिकृति 3. Antonym of Obey attractdisobeyrespondagree Answer: Option BExplanation:Obey meaning in hindi is आज्ञा का पालन 4. Antonym of Glossy dedicatedpolisheddullbright Answer: Option CExplanation:Glossy meaning in hindi is चमकदार 5. Antonym of ARTIFICIAL SolidNatural TruthfulRed Answer: Option B Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers