Question Detail Antonym of PACIFY AllayInciteConCool Answer: Option BExplanation:PACIFY meaning in Hindi : शांत करना Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of ILLICIT LiberalLawfulIntelligentClear Answer: Option BExplanation:Illicit mean forbidden or Illegal. 2. Antonym of Euphoria significantmusicalrapturestridentlethargy Answer: Option EExplanation:Euphoria meaning in hindi is उत्साह 3. Antonym of AMENDING AlterAmeliorateBetterDebase Answer: Option D 4. Antonym of EXODUS Migration ArrivalOffgoingRetreat Answer: Option BExplanation:EXODUS meaning in Hindi : बिदाई 5. Antonym of ENIGMATIC SimpleReticentPlainNervous Answer: Option AExplanation:Enigmatic means mysterious or difficult to understand. Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers