Question Detail Antonym of NEPOTISM DiscriminationInclinationFairnessUnfairness Answer: Option CExplanation:NEPOTISM meaning in Hindi : भाई-भतीजावाद Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Wealthy famouscomfortableharmfulmade of moneypoor Answer: Option EExplanation:Wealthy meaning in hindi is धनी 2. Antonym of Laudatory approbativeinadmirableeulogisticdefamatorypraiseful Answer: Option DExplanation:Laudatory meaning in hindi is प्रशंसात्मक 3. Antonym of Outstrip overtakecompletetranscendcooperatefollow Answer: Option EExplanation:Outstrip meaning in hindi is आगे बढ़ना 4. Antonym of ATHEIST RationalistTheologistRitualisticBeliever Answer: Option DExplanation:Atheist mean a person who believe that god does not exist. 5. Antonym of DREADFUL PleasantAtrocious AwfulBeastly Answer: Option AExplanation:DREADFUL meaning in Hindi : भयंकर Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers