Question Detail Antonym of Neophyte tastelessgreenhornorthodoxfreshmanold Answer: Option EExplanation:Neophyte meaning in hindi is नवछात्रा Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Dogmatic peremptoryassertiveunscrupulousoverbearingdictative Answer: Option CExplanation:Dogmatic meaning in hindi is कट्टर 2. Antonym of HYPOCRITICAL SincereAmiableGentleDependable Answer: Option AExplanation:HYPOCRITICAL meaning in hindi - पाखंडी 3. Antonym of Pretentious flauntingspecioustransparenthumble Answer: Option DExplanation:Pretentious meaning in hindi is कपटी 4. Antonym of Malevolent kindlyviciousprimitivepoisonambivalent Answer: Option AExplanation:Malevolent meaning in hindi is द्रोही 5. Antonym of Nominal hugeseemingsolidmentionedclear Answer: Option AExplanation:Nominal meaning in hindi is नाममात्र Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers