Question Detail Antonym of Kith outfitextractionstrangerskindred Answer: Option CExplanation:Kith meaning in hindi is परिचित Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of RECKLESS CarelessCautiousHastyKooky Answer: Option BExplanation:RECKLESS meaning in Hindi : लापरवाह 2. Antonym of Hypothesis suppressedfactconclusiveassumptionconjecture Answer: Option BExplanation:Hypothesis meaning in hindi is परिकल्पना 3. Antonym of Auspicious conspicuousunfavourablehopefulfortunategolden Answer: Option BExplanation:Auspicious meaning in hindi is शुभ 4. Antonym of Euphoria significantmusicalrapturestridentlethargy Answer: Option EExplanation:Euphoria meaning in hindi is उत्साह 5. Antonym of CUBERSOME HeavyConvenientSmoothAutomatic Answer: Option BExplanation:Cumbersome mean difficult to carry or use. Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers