Question Detail Antonym of INTELLIGIBLE ConfusedFoolishGarbledDull Answer: Option AExplanation:Intelligible mean that can be understood. Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Instill extractinspireeradicateinculcateexpand Answer: Option AExplanation:Instill meaning in hindi is टपकाना 2. Antonym of APEX NadirZenithSublimityMeridian Answer: Option AExplanation:APEX meaning in Hindi : शिरोबिन्दु 3. Antonym of AGONY meet time constraintsaim better resource sharingaim better system utilizationaim low system overhead Answer: Option BExplanation:Agony means extreme physical and mental pain. 4. Antonym of Receded increasedadvanceddeclinediminishedretrograde Answer: Option BExplanation:Receded meaning in hindi is सिकुड़ 5. Antonym of EXPAND CongestConcludeConvertCondense Answer: Option D Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers