Question Detail Antonym of Inquisitive uninterestedanalyticalindolentinvestigative Answer: Option AExplanation:Inquisitive meaning in hindi is जिज्ञासु Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Kith outfitextractionstrangerskindred Answer: Option CExplanation:Kith meaning in hindi is परिचित 2. Antonym of EXODUS Migration ArrivalOffgoingRetreat Answer: Option BExplanation:EXODUS meaning in Hindi : बिदाई 3. Antonym of Copious littlebountifulaccommodativeoverflowingplentiful Answer: Option AExplanation:Copious meaning in hindi is प्रचुर 4. Antonym of HYPOCRITICAL SincereAmiableGentleDependable Answer: Option AExplanation:HYPOCRITICAL meaning in hindi - पाखंडी 5. Antonym of Abundant ShortMeagreLimitedPetty Answer: Option BExplanation:Meager mean small in quantity while Abundant means existing in large quantity. Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers