Question Detail Antonym of Gaucherie misconductmistakeculminatetact dwindle Answer: Option DExplanation:Gaucherie meaning in hindi is अशिष्टता Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Extrovert boastershow-offintrovertcharacter Answer: Option CExplanation:Extrovert meaning in hindi is बहिर्मुखी 2. Antonym of Heterogeneous colourfuldiversehomogeneousconfused Answer: Option CExplanation:Heterogeneous meaning in hindi is विजातीय 3. Antonym of Extant contemporarypresentforgottenextinguisheddestroyed Answer: Option EExplanation:Extant meaning in hindi is वर्तमान 4. Antonym of Kith outfitextractionstrangerskindred Answer: Option CExplanation:Kith meaning in hindi is परिचित 5. Antonym of STARTLED AstonishedAmusedFriendlyRelaxed Answer: Option DExplanation:STARTLED meaning in hindi - चौंका हुआ Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers