Question Detail Antonym of Extravagant economicalfancydisappearingfoolishwonderful Answer: Option AExplanation:Extravagant meaning in hindi is असाधारण Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Exhume digintegratediscloseenterreveal Answer: Option DExplanation:Exhume meaning in hindi is पृथ्वी खोद कर निकालना 2. Antonym of Considerable inattentiveinadequateappreciablecomfortable Answer: Option BExplanation:Considerable meaning in hindi is महत्वपूर्ण 3. Antonym of ELATED UpsetPeppySnappyZestful Answer: Option AExplanation:ELATED meaning in Hindi : प्रफुल्लित 4. Antonym of GIGANTIC TinyFragileSlightWeak Answer: Option AExplanation:Gigantic mean extremely large or huge. 5. Antonym of WEAN AttachDetachDiscourage Halt Answer: Option AExplanation:WEAN meaning in Hindi : अलग करना Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers