Question Detail Antonym of Exonerate dismisscontractliberateaccuseadmit Answer: Option DExplanation:Exonerate meaning in hindi is हक़ बहाल करना Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of BRISK AgileBustlingSluggishNimble Answer: Option CExplanation:BRISK meaning in Hindi : तेज़ होना 2. Antonym of Ruthless militantkillermajesticseveremerciful Answer: Option EExplanation:Ruthless meaning in hindi is क्रूर 3. Antonym of RETICENT ForwardSophisticatedDevelopedCommunicative Answer: Option DExplanation:Reticent mean reserved or unwilling to tell people about things. 4. Antonym of STIGMA BlameBlotTaintCredit Answer: Option DExplanation:STIGMA meaning in Hindi : कलंक 5. Antonym of Instill extractinspireeradicateinculcateexpand Answer: Option AExplanation:Instill meaning in hindi is टपकाना Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers