Question Detail Antonym of Exhume decipheradmitdiscloseinterunearth Answer: Option DExplanation:Exhume meaning in hindi is पृथ्वी खोद कर निकालना Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of ATHEIST RationalistTheologistRitualisticBeliever Answer: Option DExplanation:Atheist mean a person who believe that god does not exist. 2. Antonym of STRINGENT MagnanimousVehementGeneralLenient Answer: Option DExplanation:STRINGENT meaning in hindi - सखà¥à¤¤ 3. Antonym of Exhume digintegratediscloseenterreveal Answer: Option DExplanation:Exhume meaning in hindi is पृथ्वी खोद कर निकालना 4. Antonym of CUBERSOME HeavyConvenientSmoothAutomatic Answer: Option BExplanation:Cumbersome mean difficult to carry or use. 5. Antonym of DENIGRATE Asperse BoostBesmirchVilify Answer: Option BExplanation:DENIGRATE meaning in Hindi : आलोचना करना Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers