Question Detail Antonym of Euphoria significantmusicalrapturestridentlethargy Answer: Option EExplanation:Euphoria meaning in hindi is उत्साह Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of DISPENSABLE DisposableMinorTrivialUseful Answer: Option DExplanation:DISPENSABLE meaning in Hindi : अनावश्यक 2. Antonym of BENEVOLENT BenignCaringHumaneSelfish Answer: Option DExplanation:BENEVOLENT meaning in Hindi : परोपकारी 3. Antonym of HARASS RewardPraiseFlatterRelieve Answer: Option DExplanation:Harass mean to worry somebody while Relieve mean reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain. 4. Antonym of JADE DefendCheerGraspHarass Answer: Option BExplanation:Jade mean harass, make tried or bored while cheer mean to show support. 5. Antonym of STOICAL AllofCoolStolidUpset Answer: Option DExplanation:STOICAL meaning in Hindi : उदासीन Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers