Question Detail Antonym of Dull colourfulboringfoolishthickshining Answer: Option EExplanation:Dull meaning in hindi is कुंठित Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Dank babblingdryhumidmoist Answer: Option BExplanation:Dank meaning in hindi is तर/गीला 2. Antonym of Moot unsettlednot disputabledisputablecontroversial Answer: Option BExplanation:Moot meaning in hindi is विवादास्पद 3. Antonym of Exalt advancedistinguishdepreciateennoblesimplify Answer: Option CExplanation:Exalt meaning in hindi is प्रशंसा करना 4. Antonym of NEBULOUS Misty ApparentMurkyShadowy Answer: Option BExplanation:NEBULOUS meaning in Hindi : अस्पष्ट 5. Antonym of WEAN AttachDetachDiscourage Halt Answer: Option AExplanation:WEAN meaning in Hindi : अलग करना Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers