Question Detail Antonym of DOLEFUL LamentablePitifulDismalGlad Answer: Option DExplanation:DOLEFUL meaning in Hindi : खिन्न Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of STRINGENT MagnanimousVehementGeneralLenient Answer: Option DExplanation:STRINGENT meaning in hindi - सखà¥à¤¤ 2. Antonym of MAMMOTH HugeTinyProdigiousTitanic Answer: Option BExplanation:MAMMOTH meaning in Hindi : विशाल 3. Antonym of ELATED UpsetPeppySnappyZestful Answer: Option AExplanation:ELATED meaning in Hindi : प्रफुल्लित 4. Antonym of Debonair awkwardpleasantsportivecheerfulbalmy Answer: Option AExplanation:Debonair meaning in hindi is ख़ुशदिल 5. Antonym of APPLAUD PraiseLoudAcclaimCensure Answer: Option DExplanation:Applaud mean to express praise for somebody while censure mean to criticize somebody. Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers