Question Detail Antonym of Defile purifyassembledegradeorderabuse Answer: Option AExplanation:Defile meaning in hindi is अशुद्ध Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Esoteric secretexternalhiddenfamiliarprofound Answer: Option DExplanation:Esoteric meaning in hindi is गुप्त 2. Antonym of PIQUE IrkJoyHuffHurt Answer: Option BExplanation:PIQUE meaning in Hindi : ख़ीज 3. Antonym of PETULANT ComplainingPeevishCaptiousPleasant Answer: Option DExplanation:PETULANT meaning in Hindi : बदमिजाज़ 4. Antonym of PHILANTHROPIST MiserSpendthriftMoralistPhilistine Answer: Option AExplanation:Philanthropist means a person who denote money for good things. 5. Antonym of Extant contemporarypresentforgottenextinguisheddestroyed Answer: Option EExplanation:Extant meaning in hindi is वर्तमान Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers