Question Detail Antonym of CUBERSOME HeavyConvenientSmoothAutomatic Answer: Option BExplanation:Cumbersome mean difficult to carry or use. Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Candid taciturnsincerefrankequitable Answer: Option AExplanation:Candid meaning in hindi is खरा 2. Antonym of Fecund unpolughedreproducingbarrenfruitful Answer: Option CExplanation:Fecund meaning in hindi is फलप्रद/उपजाऊ 3. Antonym of STOICAL AllofCoolStolidUpset Answer: Option DExplanation:STOICAL meaning in Hindi : उदासीन 4. Antonym of Extrovert socialboastercharactershowboatintrovert Answer: Option EExplanation:Extrovert meaning in hindi is बहिर्मुखी 5. Antonym of Endow establishsnatchsubscribedispossess Answer: Option DExplanation:Endow meaning in hindi is प्रदान करना Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers