Question Detail Antonym of Chimerical economicalfantasticunrealrealistic wonderful Answer: Option DExplanation:Chimerical meaning in hindi is असाध्य Ad Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of RETICENT ForwardSophisticatedDevelopedCommunicative Answer: Option DExplanation:Reticent mean reserved or unwilling to tell people about things. 2. Antonym of CHARMING InsolentIndignantRepulsiveHandicapped Answer: Option CExplanation:Charming mean very attractive while Repulsive mean a feeling of strong dislike. 3. Antonym of DOLEFUL EmptyFullWittyVivacious Answer: Option DExplanation:DOLEFUL meaning in Hindi : खिन्न 4. Antonym of Curtail LengthenShortenEntailClose Answer: Option AExplanation:Curtail mean to limit something or make it last for a shorten time while lengthen mean to make something longer. 5. Antonym of Arduous painfulfragileonerousrobust Answer: Option BExplanation:Arduous meaning in hindi is कठिन Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers