Question Detail Antonym of Baffle make awaydisconcertsubstitutemix upconfuse Answer: Option AExplanation:Baffle meaning in hindi is चकरा देना Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Reprimand admonitionencourageblamerecommendgrooming Answer: Option BExplanation:Reprimand meaning in hindi is डांटना 2. Antonym of Hypothesis suppressedfactconclusiveassumptionconjecture Answer: Option BExplanation:Hypothesis meaning in hindi is परिकल्पना 3. Antonym of Noisome dirtyharmfulcleanfragrantsmelly Answer: Option DExplanation:Noisome meaning in hindi is दुर्गंध 4. Antonym of Pernicious excellentbalefuloffensivehealthyinnocuous Answer: Option DExplanation:Pernicious meaning in hindi is तेज़ 5. Antonym of DESPISE AppeaseFlatterAdmireAppreciate Answer: Option DExplanation:Despise means to dislike or to have no respect for somebody while Appreciate means to recognize the good qualities of somebody. Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers