Question Detail Antonym of ANXIOUS FearfulCalmUnconcernedConcerned Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of Swear denymaintainsupportdepend on Answer: Option AExplanation:Swear meaning in hindi is कसम खाता हूँ 2. Antonym of Neophyte tastelessgreenhornorthodoxfreshmanold Answer: Option EExplanation:Neophyte meaning in hindi is नवछात्रा 3. Antonym of Deleterious nourishingdestroyingbenevolentinjurious Answer: Option AExplanation:Deleterious meaning in hindi is हानिकारक 4. Antonym of Instill extractinspireeradicateinculcateexpand Answer: Option AExplanation:Instill meaning in hindi is टपकाना 5. Antonym of JADE DefendCheerGraspHarass Answer: Option BExplanation:Jade mean harass, make tried or bored while cheer mean to show support. Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers