Question Detail Antonym of AFFLUENCE AbundanceDearthFortuneLuxury Answer: Option BExplanation:AFFLUENCE meaning in Hindi : समृद्धि Similar Questions : 1. Antonym of NEPOTISM DiscriminationInclinationFairnessUnfairness Answer: Option CExplanation:NEPOTISM meaning in Hindi : भाई-भतीजावाद 2. Antonym of CHARMING InsolentIndignantRepulsiveHandicapped Answer: Option CExplanation:Charming mean very attractive while Repulsive mean a feeling of strong dislike. 3. Antonym of Devious abnormalunderhandedsneakingdirect Answer: Option DExplanation:Devious meaning in hindi is चालाक 4. Antonym of Inhibit prohibitbridlesurrenderdiscardactivate Answer: Option EExplanation:Inhibit meaning in hindi is रोकना 5. Antonym of FORTUITOUS Soft spokenUnluckyLuckyHarworking Answer: Option BExplanation:FORTUITOUS meaning in Hindi : भाग्यशाली Read more from - Antonyms Questions Answers