Question Detail An instruction code must specify the address of the ? OperandOpecodeBoth of aboveNone of above Answer: Option A Ad Similar Questions : 1. Multiprocessor uses large caches but limited process that shares ___ ? Control BusMemory BusMultiple memory busSingle memory bus Answer: Option D 2. RISC stands for ? Risk Instruction Source ComputerReduced Instruction Set ComputerRisk Instruction Set ComputerRisk Instruction Set Computing Answer: Option B 3. The unit which decodes and translates each instruction and generates the necessary enable signals for ALU and other units is called ALUControl UnitCPULogical Unit Answer: Option B 4. UMA stands for ? Unit memory accessUniform memory accessUnit memory arrayUnit metadata access Answer: Option B 5. In stack organization the insertion operation is known as ? PopPushDownUpper Answer: Option B Read more from - Computer System Architecture Questions Answers