Question Detail An electronic path, that sends signals from one part of computer to another is ? Logic GateModemBusSerial Port Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Which term is related to database ? PHPJavaOracleAssembly Answer: Option C 2. ROM is non volatile. TRUEFALSE Answer: Option AExplanation:ROM is non volatile means data will not be erased when computer is turned off. 3. Who is known as father of Artificial Intelligence ? John McCarthyVint CerfDennis RitchieJames Gosling Answer: Option A 4. What is full form of HTTP ? Hyper Transfer Text ProtocolHyper Text Transfer ProtocolHexagonal Text Transfer ProtocolHexagonal Text Transfer Prototype Answer: Option B 5. What is the meaning of OSI, in terms of computers ? Open Software IntrerelationOpen System IntrerelationOpen Software InterconnectionOpen System Interconnection Answer: Option D Read more from - Computer Awareness Questions Answers - Set 1