Question Detail Among following which will give the size of object or type ? CallocMallocSizeofRealloc Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Which of the following cannot be passed to a function ? ArrayReference variableObjectFile Answer: Option D 2. Which of following valid option will not return a value in c++ ? freevoidemptynull Answer: Option B 3. The function used to define the task assigned to an operator is ? Virtual functionStatic functionOperator functionFriend function Answer: Option C 4. What is class in c++ ? When you define a class, you define a blueprint for a data type.When you define a class, you make get more funtionality.When you define a class, you define the logic. When you define a class, you make debugging. Answer: Option A 5. The objects can directly access ? Public membersPrivate membersBoth of aboveNone of above Answer: Option A Read more from - C++ Programming Questions Answers - Set 2