Question Detail


  • A modern calender.
  • An annual calender with position of stars.
  • A calender only with holidays list.
  • A calender with historical information.
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2. Indelible

  • A mark that can be erased.
  • A mark that cannot be erased.
  • A mark which we can see from long distance.
  • None of above.

3. Souvenir

  • A thing that is kept as a reminder of an event.
  • A thing .given as a prize.
  • A thing which is related to quiz.
  • A thing which is related to religious matters.

4. Sinecure

  • A honorary job.
  • A job with little responsibility but high salary.
  • A job with high responsibility but little salary.
  • A very promising job or carrier.

5. Pantheism

  • the belief that God is not one.
  • the belief that God is one.
  • the belief that God pervades nature.
  • the belief that God do not pervades nature.
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