Question Detail Allocation map Used to store program dataspecifies which blocks are used by which fileis updated by application programsallow programs to erase files Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. Related fields in a data base are grouped to form data filedata recordmenubank Answer: Option B 2. Ascending order of data hierarchy is bit->byte->record->field->file->databasebit->byte->field->record->file->databasebyte->bit->field->record->file->databasebyte->bit->field->file->record->database Answer: Option B 3. Database management systems are used to eliminate data redundancyestablish relationships among records in different filesmanage file accessnone of above Answer: Option A 4. Attribute of one table matching to the primary key of other table, is called as foreign keysecondary keycandidate keycomposite key Answer: Option A 5. Physical location of a record in database is determined with the help of B tree fileIndexed fileHashed filesequential file Answer: Option C Read more from - Database Question Answers - Chapter 1