Question Detail ADC stands for ? Analog to digital converterAC to DC convertorAll Digital ContentAll Data Content Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. A stack in a digital computer is a part of the ? ALUMemory unitConrtol UnitMonitor Answer: Option B 2. Mechanism can be referred to as adding a new facility to the system hence known as ? ProcessArbitrationSegmentationFrangmentation Answer: Option B 3. Between Start and Finish in AutoContent Wizard, how many steps are there ? 1234 Answer: Option C 4. Which among following determines the address of I/O interface ? chip selectregister selectboth of abovenone of above Answer: Option C 5. Tiny droplets of coloured ink and nozzle is associated with ? Dot matrixLaser PrinterInkjet printerDaisy wheel printer Answer: Option C Read more from - Computer Awareness Questions Answers - Set 3