Question Detail A variable in c must have a valid datatypecan't have a name same as keywordmust have a name starting with a characterAll of above Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. If (*p) and **p is same NoYes Answer: Option A 2. Break statement is used for Quit a programQuit the current iterationBoth of aboveNone of above Answer: Option B 3. What is use of \r in c used to insert a vertical tabused to insert a tabplaces cursor at the end of lineplaces cursor at the start of line Answer: Option D 4. What is prototype of a function in C It is the return type of a functionIt is the return data of the functionIt is declaration of a functionIt is a datatype Answer: Option C 5. A member is a Variable in a structureDatatype of structureStructure pointerNone of above Answer: Option A Read more from - C Programming Questions Answers - Chapter 1