Question Detail A Variable __ of void type. May be declaredCan be initializedCannot be intializedCannot be declared Answer: Option D Ad Similar Questions : 1. int *ptr[5]; a pointer of 5 int elementsan array of 5 int pointersan array of 5 elements returning an int valuenone of above Answer: Option B 2. Enumerators are stored by the compiler in ? stringintegerfloatany of above Answer: Option B 3. C++ is a ? Procedural programming languageStructural programming languageLow level languageObject oriented programming language Answer: Option D 4. << operator is ? stream extraction operatorstream insertion operatorleft shift operatorright shift operator Answer: Option B 5. The advantage of declaring a virtual function as pure is ? programs runs fasterearly binding can be achievedyou force any derived class to define its own implementationyou can avoid making the class an abstract class Answer: Option C Read more from - C++ Programming Questions Answers - Set 2