Question Detail A stack in a digital computer is a part of the ? ALUMemory unitConrtol UnitMonitor Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. One way to convert from decimal to hexadecimal is the ? Octal dabble methodDouble dabble methodHex dabble methodBinary dabble method Answer: Option C 2. CRC stands for ? Cyclic redundancy checkCyclic redundancy clockClocking redundancy checkClock redundancy check Answer: Option A 3. VDU stands for ? Video display unitVisual data unitVita display unitVisual display unit Answer: Option D 4. Which interface is an entity that controls data transfer from external device, main memory and or CPU registers ? CPU interfaceI/O interfaceInput interfaceOutput interface Answer: Option B 5. Which consist if a numbers of processor can be accessed among various shared memory modules ? Coupled memory multiprocessorDistributed memory multiprocessorShared memory multiprocessorNone of above Answer: Option C Read more from - Computer Awareness Questions Answers - Set 3