Question Detail A separate Governor for Bengal to be appointed under the act ? Pitts India Act of 1784Charter Act of 1793Charter Act of 1733Charter Act of 1753 Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. Which Act is associated with "Courts can interpret the rules and regulations." ? Regulating Act of 1773Pitts India Act of 1784Charter Act of 1793Charter Act of 1893 Answer: Option C 2. Which Article is related to Equality before law ? Art. 13Art. 14Art. 15Art. 16 Answer: Option BExplanation:Art. 13 - Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental rights. Art. 15 - Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. Art. 16 - Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment. 3. Under the constitution of India who are the ultimate Sovereign ? Indian PeoplePrime Minister of IndiaPresident of IndiaAll elected leaders of India Answer: Option A 4. How many Schedules are there in Constitution of India ? 10 Schedules12 Schedules14 Schedules16 Schedules Answer: Option BExplanation:The constitution of India at the time of adoption had Eight Schedules and later on four more added with time. 5. A separate Governor for Bengal to be appointed under the act ? Pitts India Act of 1784Charter Act of 1793Charter Act of 1733Charter Act of 1753 Answer: Option D Read more from - Indian Polity and Constitution