A separate Governor for Bengal to be appointed under the act ?
Pitts India Act of 1784
Charter Act of 1793
Charter Act of 1733
Charter Act of 1753
Answer: Option D
Similar Questions :
1. In which Constitutional Amendment Act seats of Lok Sabha were increased from 525 to 545 ?
21st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1967
24th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1971
25th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1971
31st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1973
Answer: Option D
31st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1973 - By this amendment the seats of Lok Sabha was increased from 525 to 545 but reduced the representatior of UT's in Lok Sabha from 25 to 20.
2. The speaker can ask a member of the house to stop speaking and let another member speak. This is known as ?
Crossing the floor
Yielding the floor
Obeying the rule
Rotating the floor
Answer: Option B
3. What can be maximum gap between two sessions of Parliament in India ?
4 Months
5 Months
6 Months
No rule like this
Answer: Option C
4. Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India ?
Sukumar Sen
K.V.K. Sundaram
S.P. Sen Verma
T.N. Seshan
Answer: Option A
Sukumar Sen was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India from 21 March, 1950 - 19 Dec, 1958.
5. How many articles were there originally in Constitution of India ?