Question Detail A labourer's way of life can be contrasted with that of the farmer. contrasted ofcontrasted forcontrasted toNo correction Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. We demonstrated to them how we were prepared the artistic patterns. we had preparedwe are preparedwe have preparedNo correction Answer: Option A 2. You are advised to not to break in your friend house again. break intobreak throughbreak openNo correction Answer: Option A 3. The members of his family are coming in this train. withbyonNo improvement Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in Railways Exam) 4. It is one and quarter hours since Sahil went away. one and quarterone and quarter hourone hours and quarterone hour and a quarter No correction Answer: Option D 5. The winter has set in and the days are getting colder. set offset upset withset in Answer: Option D Read more from - Sentence Correction