Question Detail __ read the data by reflecting pulses of laser beams on the surface ? Magnetic diskOptical diskFloppy diskROM Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. What is meaning of IOP ? Input output processorInput output productInput output producerInput output processing Answer: Option A 2. UMA stands for ? Unit memory accessUniform memory accessUnit memory arrayUnit metadata access Answer: Option B 3. The address mapping is done, when the program is initially loaded is called ? RelocationDynamic relocationStatic relocationExecutable relocation Answer: Option C 4. ____ processor has to check continuously till device becomes ready for transferring the data ? DMAInterrupt-initiated I/OIOPDCP Answer: Option B 5. Which technique helps processor to run a program concurrently with input output operations ? IOPDMAInterrupt driven I/ODCA Answer: Option C Read more from - Computer System Architecture Questions Answers